
Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms in Plants - IBPS AFO Study Material

 Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms in Plants


  • General yellowing of lower leaves
  • Inverted V shaped Yellowing in cereals
  • Buttoning of cauliflower
  • Proteolysis in cells
  • Red leaf of cotton (also due to Mg toxicity)
  • Sickle leaf disease
  • Purple  leaf disease
  • Anthocyanin pigmentation
  • Marginal necrosis
  • Marginal Chlorosis of Grapes
  • Potato blotchy
  • Accumulation of Diamine putrescine
  • Dying back of tips
  • Blossom end rot of Tomato (BER)
  • Bitter pit of apple
  • Tip hooking
  • Cavity spot of Carrot
  • Internal browning of Lettuce
  • Blackheart of Celery
  • Milk fever in cattle
  • Grass tetany of cattle
  • Bronzing of citrus
  • Sand drown of tobacco
  • Red leaf or reddening of Cotton (toxicity)
  • Inter- veinal chlorosis in lower leaves
  • Sulfur
  • Yellowing in upper leaves.
  • Tea Yellow
  • Internal necrosis of Mango , Aonla
  • Internal cork of Apple, Tomato
  • Browning / Hollow stem of Cauliflower
  • Cracked stem of celery, Lucerne
  • Lucerne Yellow / Alfalfa yellow
  • Heart rot of Sugarbeet , Marigold
  • Hard fruit of Citrus
  • Die back of Apple
  • Water core of Turnip
  • Brown heart of Wheat, Turnip
  • Sterility in Wheat
  • Top Sickness of Tobacco
  • Canker of Sugarbeet
  • Drought spot of Apple
  • Hen- Chicken disease of Grape
  • Crown chocking of Coconut
  • Fruit cracking of Tomato, Pomegranate
  • Snakeheads in Walnuts
  • Khaira Disease of Rice
  • White bud of Maize
  • Mottle leaf of Citrus
  • Little leaf of Citrus
  • Frenching of Citrus
  • Little leaf of Cotton
  • Rosette Disease
  • Little leaf of Mango, Litchi
  • Fern Leaf of Potato
  • Leaf bronzing of Litchi
  • Freckle disease in Sugarcane
  • Grey specks of Oat
  • Speckled yellow of Sugarbeet
  • Pahaia Blight of Sugarcane
  • Frenching of Tung Tree
  • Crinkled leaf of Cotton (Toxicity)
  • Marshy Spot of Pea
  • Whiptail of Cauliflower
  • Scald of Legumes
  • Yellow spot of Citrus
  • Khaira of Citrus
  • Downward cupping of radish
  • Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves
  • Leaf blanching of Sugarbeet
  • Bronzing of Rice (Toxicity)
  • Green neck of Citrus
  • Silver green leaf of Tomato
  • Lime- induced Chlorosis
  • Reclamation Disease
  • Stem melanosis of Wheat
  • Exanthema / Gumming
  • Dieback of Citrus
  • Wither tip of Apple
  • Rough bark of Apple

  • Brown centre of Potato
  • Susceptibility of Fusarium rot
  • Gray spot of Coconut
  • Tip burn of Betel vine
 Other Disorders
  • Jonathan spot of Apple : Water Deficiency
  • Blackheart of Potato : Oxygen Deficiency
  • Richness in Cauliflower: Temperature
  • Cat face in Tomato : Temperature
  •  Blacktip of Mango : SO2, NO2
  • Tip burn / Pansukh of Rice: Oxygen Deficiency


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